The Wondrous WASP presents: the Marvel Universe Predestined List

PREDESTINED: ...from birth!

  1. Telford Porter -----------> The Vanisher teleports away!
  2. James Owlsley ------------> The Owl
  3. Basil Elsk ---------------> Basilisk
  4. Johnny Anvil -------------> Anvil
  5. Arkady Rossovich ---------> Omega Red
  6. Barton and Percy Grimes --> Grimm Brothers
  7. James Skully -------------> Blazing Skull
  8. Parnival Plunder ---------> The Plunderer
  9. Eric Magnus Lensherr -----> Magneto
  10. Mikhail Ursus ------------> Ursa Major
  11. Pyreus Kril --------------> Firelord
  12. Henry Hawk ---------------> Bird-Man I
  13. Blackagar Boltagon -------> Black Bolt
    Crystalia Amaquelin ------> Crystal
    Medusalith Amaquelin -----> Medusa
  14. Roger Bochs --------------> Box
  15. Mar-Vell -----------------> Captain Marvel
    At-Lass ------------------> Captain Atlas
    Minn-Erva ----------------> Dr. Minerva
  16. William Cross ------------> Crossfire
  17. Dr. Stort ----------------> Distorter
  18. Michael Steel ------------> Iron Clad
  19. Jack Hart ----------------> Jack of Hearts
  20. Roger Joliet -------------> Jolly Roger (defeated by Speedball [MSH3#5])
  21. Jubilation Lee -----------> Jubilee 
  22. August Hopper ------------> Locust
  23. Cassandra Webb -----------> Madame Web
  24. ???? Armstrong -----------> Strongarm
  25. Colin McCay --------------> Kylun
  26. Eric Slaughter -----------> War-Yore (also Attila the Hun and others aliases)
  27. Stuart Anthony Whyte -----> Whyteout
  28. Alton Francis Vibreaux ---> Vibro
  29. Silvio Manfredi ----------> Silvermane
  30. Sise-Neg -----------------> Genesis
  31. Ginny Snow ---------------> Snowfall (telepath and precognitive [CAP#238])
  32. Thomas Hawk --------------> Tomorrow Hawk
  33. Eric Savin ---------------> Coldblood-Seven
  34. Sablinova ----------------> Silver Sable
  35. Pinky & Hubert Fusser ----> The Fusion
  36. Samuel LaRoquette --------> Rock of the Hulkbusters [IHU464]
  37. Jonathan Swift -----------> Blue Streak
  38. Paul Destine -------------> Destiny (destined to)
  39. Daniel "Dan" Jermain -----> Danger Man (Roxxon inspector [SheHu#2])
  40. Abigail Beryl Burns ------> Red Danger/Mandarin Seven [IM2014#18]
  41. M'Nai --------------------> Midnight
  42. Synthia Schmidt ----------> Sin
  43. William Taurens ----------> Man-Bull, Minotaur [SWitch2016#2]
  44. Devos --------------------> Devos the Devastator [FF#???]
  45. Fasaud -------------------> Fasaud (phased to fought the Fantastic Four)
  46. Pete Petrusky ------------> Paste Pot Pete
  47. Esteban De Ablo ---------> Diablo [FF3#35]
  48. A.R. Cadensky -----------> Arcade [Thing2#3]
  49. Ulysses Klaw ------------> Klaw (and his sonic Claw)
  50. N'Astirh ----------------> N'Astirh (a very nasty demon)
  51. Lichidus ----------------> Lord of (liquid) Water [MighAve2#10]
  52. Tony Masters ------------> Taskmaster
  53. Nichol Eblis ------------> Satan (Iblis, Def#111)
  54. Malcom Stromberg --------> Maelstrom [Quasar#?]
  55. Makarri/Mike Khary/Mike Cury ------> Mercury
  56. Harry Kane --------------> Hurricane (of the Old West [TwoGK#70])
  57. Sergei Yesenofsky -------> Dr.Yes (enemy of Venom [:Licence to Kill#1])
  58. Boris Mongusky ----------> Mongu (in an exoskeleton)
  59. Marvin Martin -----------> Marvelous Marv [WintSol#10]
  60. Roger Joliet ------------> Jolly Roger (defeated by Speedball [MSH3#5])
  61. Tesla Tarasova ----------> Electric Ghost [WintSol#1]
  62. Marian Pouncy -----------> Poundcakes
  63. Peter Porker ------------> Spider-Ham
  64. Maximilian Stone --------> Earthquake II (killed by Ultimo [IM#298])
  65. Nathan Dolly ------------> Mister Doll (created the Grimm Brothers)
  66. Raza --------------------> Raza (he often used his raza-sharped edge sword)
  67. Batroc ------------------> Batroc the Leaper (like a leaping batrachian man)
  68. Ranar Tode --------------> ranarian Deviant of the City of Toads
  69. Lightner ----------------> as Blacksun he emitted a very "nera" light [MTiO#21].
Image Not Available Image Not Available Firebird_2 Crossfire, fighting the Thing and Moonknight

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